Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dog Training - Mistakes While Training Your Dog's Obedience

Making mistakes is part of learning; however correcting those mistakes is the way to success. Let us start with the most common mistake a new enthusiastic dog owner makes.
Beating the dog or flicking it on the nose
Beating any creature works on the principle of negative reinforcement. Negative re enforcement works on fear, and fear does not last very long. A better way to stop undesired behaviour would be to clap your hands loudly or make a loud sound. Another effective method is to take a newspaper and wrap it into a roll and hit it on the ground. This makes a very loud sound and startles the dog, and stops the undesired behaviour. When the dog does something you do not like you can try this method. The dog being a very intelligent being slowly realises that the loud sound is made when he does something bad or naughty, and it is undesired behaviour.
Excessive food treats
Food Treats are a good way to tell your dog that he is on the right track. However treats contain a lot of sugar and makes the dog fat. Instead of giving the food treats all the time, you can instead pet or play with the dog. Dogs are social creatures and love being petted and told that they are loved.
Encouraging undesired behaviour
A dog is a social creature and will want his master with him always. The dog may bark excessively, bite people and tear furniture or shoes just for attention. The worst thing to do in this scenario will be to go to the dog and try comforting him when he displays such behaviour. Although your intentions are good, the dog thinks that every time he barks or tears furniture or shoes, you are going to give him attention. Instead when the dog displays such unwanted behaviour, you should go up to the dog and tell him in a firm voice that he dog is being a "bad boy/girl" and you will come back only when the dog stops the undesired behaviour. You should then walk out of the room, and come back when the dog has settled down. Once the dog stops the undesired behaviour you should pet the dog and spend some time with him and use phrases such as "good boy/girl". The dog will then understand that good behaviour and positive words lead to love and time with you, and bad behaviour leads to anger and time alone.
Feeding the dog, every time he begs for food
Dogs can be very adorable and persuading with their wet noses and big eyes. In the beginning you and your family may find begging very cute, but as time goes by the dog will become adamant and insist that you feed him when he wants. When guests come over the dog may beg for food and your guests may not like it, especially if they are not dog people. You should make it a habit to feed your dog in a particular dish, at a particular place and at a fixed time everyday.
Letting the dog mess where he wants
Many owners give their dogs a lot of freedom over the first few days, thinking that the dog is getting adjusted to the house and he will learn over time. This is a big mistake as the dog gets used to poop and pee where he likes, and training him later will be very hard.
Dogs are very intelligent beings and can be very loyal companions. All they need is to be told that their human is the alpha dog, and to stay in the pack they need to follow some rules.

Dog Training Ebook


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